TurkStat: 451 thousand juveniles received into security units

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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the state agency responsible for producing official statistics on Turkey, released its "Juvenile Statistics Received into Security Unit" for 2020 today (August 2).
According to the TurkStat figures, the number of incidents involving juveniles received into security units in 2020 was 450 thousand 803.
In these incidents, 37.9 percent of juveniles were received into security units as victims while 25.3 percent were received over allegations of committing an act defined as a crime in law (pushed into crime), 18.5 percent over the allegation of committing a misdemeanour, 13.0 percent as witnesses, 5 percent as lost (found) persons and 0.2 percent for other reasons.
Incidents involving juveniles received into security unit by reception, 2020
The number of incidents involving juveniles received into security units was 450 thousand 803 in 2020 with an annual decrease of 11.8 percent.
60.7 percent of these juveniles were in the 15-17 age group and 20.2 percent were in the 12-14 age group, while 19.0 percent of juveniles were under the age of 11. In 2020, 68.7 percent of juveniles received into security units were male, while 31.3 percent were female.
Most juveniles received as victims of crime
In total of 170 thousand 961 juveniles received as victims into security units; 88.1 percent of juveniles were victims of crime and 11.7 percent of juveniles were victims of incidents to be followed.
It was observed that 54.0 percent of juvenile victims of crime were male and 46.0 percent of them were female and 57.8 percent of juvenile victims of incidents to be followed were male and 42.2 percent were female.
Distribution of juvenile victims of crime by victimization type (percent), 2020
55.3 percent of 150 thousand 615 juvenile victims of crime were victims of assault, 14.5 percent of them were victims of offences against family order and 12.2 percent of them were victims of sexual offences. Furthermore, 4.5 percent of them were victims of threat, 3.0 percent of them were victims of kidnapping and 2.1 percent of them were victims of theft. (AÖ/SD)