Türkiye's statistical authority files new case against Inflation Research Group

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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) had filed a fresh case against an independent group of economists releasing their calculations of the inflation rate monthly.
Prof. Veysel Ulusoy, founder of the Inflation Research Group (ENAG), tweeted, "Have you filed a case again, dear TurkStat managers? Maybe it would be good for society if you go to the field and measure inflation and national income properly. This time, you'll come to the courtroom, don't run away like last time."
Last year, TurkStat filed a case against the ENAG, accusing it of intending to damage the institute's reliability. A court had dropped the case.
Founded by a group of economists, the ENAG has been releasing inflation figures since 2020. The group's calculations are much higher than those of TurkStat, whose reliability has been widely questioned by economists and opposition parties.
Today, both announced their inflation figures for February, with TurkStat's calculations standing at 55 percent and the ENAG's at 126 percent. (RT/VK)