Turkish Thoracic Society urges vigilance amid soaring respiratory infections

The Turkish Thoracic Society's Respiratory System Infections Working Group has issued a warning regarding the recent upswing in respiratory tract infections.
In its statement, the group underscores the importance of taking precautionary measures against the heightened prevalence of upper respiratory tract infections during the winter months. Recommendations include the use of masks in crowded and enclosed spaces, vigilant hand hygiene, and adherence to physical distancing guidelines.
The statement draws attention to the dynamic nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, emphasizing occasional changes leading to the emergence of new variants that may spread more efficiently. While symptoms of COVID-19 tend to be similar across variants, the severity is contingent on individual immunity and overall health.
Furthermore, the advisory highlights quality issues in health kits distributed by the Ministry of Health, resulting in false negatives in COVID-19 tests. Hospitals are compelled to procure their own tests, with the Social Security Institution's (SGK) payments falling significantly below the actual costs, causing financial strain.
With the global emergency coming to an end, the advisory suggests treating COVID-19 tests like other infections, streamlining the process for their administration.
On a global scale, the World Health Organization's Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, reported an increase in JN.1 variant cases and a surge in COVID-19 cases worldwide following New Year celebrations. He noted around 10,000 reported deaths in December and a 42% increase in cases in approximately 50 countries. (RT/VK)