Turkish FM: Land Operation with Saudi Arabia not on Agenda
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Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has expressed that a land operation into Syria is not on the agenda, and that any land operation must involve all coalition countries.
“Such an operation must include all countries included in US-led coalition against IŞİD (ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)”.
Çavuşoğlu speaking in the joint press meeting with Italian Minister of Foreign Affair, Polo Gentiloni in Ankara noted that Turkey will launch a land operation “by itself or dual with some other country”.
“Saudi and some European countries have been thinking like us since the beginning. They were saying a joint operation is a mandatory, but also there were countries unwilling to send troops. Land operation has never come to the agenda; we don’t understand why such manipulation has spread.
“Saudi Arabia wanted to send planes like the US and Germany to join aerial operation. We help this just like we helped these countries. Our policy is transparent. If there is going to be a land operation, we have to do it all together. We don’t have a secret agenda”.
Aerial attacks
Çavuşoğlu interpreting Russia’s aerial attacks on Syria as the biggest obstacle before truce, reminded that Syrian opposition will gather in Riyadh tomorrow.
Çavuşoğlu upon reporters’ question, reminding that they are informed of the agreement reached between Russia and the US as to truce in Syria, said “What matters is exercising and Russia to stop its attacks”.
“A declaration has been released in Munich but it hasn’t been exercised. Russia’s continuing its aerial attacks and Russia-supported attacks of the regime continuing have been the biggest obstacle before maintaining truce.
“We have been in contact with all of our friends in this period. We also met often with [John] Kerry. We are informed about the draft agreement, which is essentially another reflection of Munich declaration, reached between the US and Russia.
“As a matter of fact, the text on which has been agreed is another aspect of the Munich declaration. What matters here is exercise, Russia’s to stop its aerial attacks and exercising this agreement.
“Tomorrow, the opposition will discuss this draft and share their thought in Riyadh”. (YY/TK)