Turkey’s parliament approves controversial euthanasia measure for stray dogs

The parliament has approved the controversial proposal for the euthanasia of stray dogs as part of the new "Animal Protection Law" amendment.
The first five articles of the 17-article proposal were passed by the General Assembly early today and discussions on the remaining articles are scheduled to resume at 2 pm local time (GMT+3).
The most contentious element, article 5, which allows for the euthanasia of stray dogs, was passed in the 14th hour of discussions despite opposition efforts to remove it. The opposition's motions to exclude the euthanasia provision were rejected.
The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) aims to pass the bill before the parliament's recess on August 1.

‘Ban breeding and sale instead of killing stray dogs’
Previously, the term ‘euthanasia’ was removed from article 5 during discussions at the Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Affairs Committee. However, the accepted article saw the term reinstated, as reported by the Law for Life Initiative (Yaşam İçin Yasa İnisiyatifi), an umbrella group that has spearheaded the efforts against the bill:
“The term ‘Killing’ in the Second Part, Fourth Section heading of Law No. 5199 is amended to ‘Euthanasia,’ and the title of Article 13 is amended to ‘Euthanasia of Animals.’ The following paragraphs are added before the first paragraph, and the term ‘Killing procedures and principles’ in the second sentence of the existing second paragraph is changed to ‘Procedures and principles of killing and euthanasia.’
“‘Dogs taken into shelters that pose a danger to human and animal life and health, have uncontrollable negative behaviors, suffer from infectious or untreatable diseases, or are prohibited from being adopted will be subject to the measures specified in the third paragraph of Article 9 of the Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food, and Feed Law No. 5996.’
“Local administrations are authorized to take necessary administrative measures in accordance with the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals regarding stray dogs.”

Bill allowing euthanasia of stray dogs submitted to parliament
Protest by MPs and activists
Members of civil society organizations, professional associations, animal rights activists, and some opposition MPs gathered in Ankara’s Anıtpark yesterday as the General Assembly session commenced.
Head of the Ankara Bar, Mustafa Köroğlu, read out a statement during the protest, saying, “The bill to be discussed today is based on an approach that prioritizes animals as goods or property rather than improving animal rights. The level of civilization in a society is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable members: children, the elderly, and animals.”
He called on the parliament to reject the bill and said “we should work together for regulations to ensure the welfare of animals.”

Meanwhile, during the parliamentary session, MPs also voiced opposition to the bill. Deniz Yavuzyılmaz, an MP with the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), said, "The AKP is essentially saying, 'street dogs will either die or be killed,' with this proposal. This clause is about death! you want to kill animals! You won't be able to look your children in the eye."
Erkan Baş, leader of the Workers' Party of Turkey (TİP), criticized the bill's classification as a ‘basic law,’ which limited speaking opportunities for MPs. He accused the AKP of stifling debate to prevent opposition to what he termed a ‘massacre law.’
DEM Party MP Perihan Koca also criticized the bill, calling it "a massacre law." She added, "You manipulated the public by saying 'euthanasia is being removed,' but you are bringing euthanasia back in the worst form." (VK)