Turkey’s new ‘high-security’ prisons raise ‘social isolation’ concerns

The Ankara Medical Chamber (ATO) Human Rights Commission has raised concerns about the conditions in the newly established high-security prisons, referred to as "Type-S" and "Type-Y.”
The Commission aimed to shed light on the physical, psychological, and social impact of these prisons on individuals by evaluating the conditions of these institutions based on information provided by prisoners, lawyers, and their relatives.
According to the commission's findings, these types of prisons are designed in a way that facilitates isolation, social isolation, dehumanization, and loneliness. They pointed out that structures known as "Type-Y" prisons consist of three floors, with single-person cell-type rooms on each floor. Each cell has a single window, and all windows open to a single area resembling an apartment building void.
This architectural design, where even the slightest noise in one cell can be heard or echoed in all cells due to the single-window design, leads to a serious issue of exposure to noise 24 hours a day.
The prolonged social isolation of prisoners may cause both mental and physical health issues, the chamber warned.
22.5 hours inside cells
Regarding recreation, unlike other prisons, these single-cell rooms lack individual recreation systems, according to the ATO statement. Prisoners are taken to the common recreation area on the second floor. However, the right to recreation is limited to 1.5 hours, with prisoners spending the remaining 22.5 hours inside their cells. This practice goes against the law as it restricts prisoners' right to fresh air and outdoor exposure.
Additionally, the Commission pointed out significant limitations in areas where prisoners can meet with their lawyers and families. Rather than open visits where prisoners and their relatives share the same space, visitation days are arranged individually and separately for each prisoner. This approach not only hinders interaction and socialization among prisoners but also leads to social isolation.
The Commission also noted that the windows in high-security prisons are equipped with iron bars and tightly woven wire mesh that does not allow sunlight, preventing prisoners from enjoying natural light and fresh air. One notable feature of "S Type" prisons is the presence of surveillance cameras in cells. This constant surveillance means that even the most private moments of prisoners are observed.
The new “high-security” prisons
In an article published on bianet by academic Mustafa Eren, titled "New Type of Prisons and a Warning to Social Opposition," the following information is provided regarding these types of prisons:
Starting from 2021, in addition to the existing F and D Type High-Security Penal Execution Institutions, three new types of high-security prisons have been established, known as "S Type Closed Penal Execution Institution," "Y Type Closed Penal Execution Institution," and "High-Security Closed Penal Execution Institution."
In 2021, a total of 32 new prisons were opened, and during the first eight months of 2022, 18 more were added. Out of the 32 prisons opened in 2021, 11 were of the new high-security type, as indicated in the Ministry of Justice's 2021 Activity Report (2022: 104-106).
As of September 1, 2022, among the prisons that were opened, 14 were categorized as F Type, 2 as D Type, 1 as H Type, 7 as Y Type, 6 as S Type, and 17 as "High-Security," summing up to a total of 47 high-security prisons. (AS/VK)