Turkey Will No Longer Be The Same

"Do not drink alcohol", "do not kiss in the public", "make at least three children", said Erdogan repeatedly with an fatherly authority. Many take this stile as interference with their private lives and as limiting freedom. Freedom to practice the belief in own way, freedom to decide over own body and to live a sexual tendency without harassment. Many in Turkey were distressed and angry. The country was like a pressure cooker.
The bulldozers came to Gezi Park in Istanbul to put down the trees and replace the park with a shopping mall. Gezi Park is the only green area around Taksim Square, which has a great symbolic value. That is why it has been occupied by the young people who wanted to keep it as park.
We know what happened afterwards: A local environmental movement turned into a huge wave of protest and become a nationwide uprising. The Prime minister condemned the protesters and called them "extremists" and "plunders" (chapulcu).
In order to guard on the park, some demonstrators set up a tent camp in Gezi, where they displayed that "another world and alternative ways of living exist": peace without police, shopping without money, political debate without fight and solidarity without expectation.
In Gezi there were liberals, conservatives, socialists, nationalists, Kurds, atheists, islamists and even the ones who earlier voted for Erdogan, acting together without a leader. Demonstrators cleaned the park, built up a open library and a kitchen where everybody could get free food. In the camp everybody shared what they had, nobody fought for their own interest.
The riot calmed down, but in Turkey people still keep gathering in parks or other places to discuss what to do to improve the democracy in the country and in their neighborhood; inspired by the youth of Gezi Park. Gezi, a park that represents freedom and solidarity, inspires many. Fanny, smart and peaceful protest still continue.
The city has lost many green areas at the expense of shopping malls, bridges and highways. The sky is covered by concrete. People had very little place left for relaxing and become suspicious and aggressive towards each other. Erdogan's latest project is the creation of a canal parallel to the Bosporus! The people of Turkey opened their eyes and now resist those who restrict their lives.
At a public meeting (forum) in the Kadiköy district in Istanbul, the participants decided to make use of a abandoned construction site that has been in their street for almost 20 years. They occupied the building and converted it to a place for solidarity and sympathy, where capitalism and egoism have no value. They do not follow the classical political systems, but listen to their conscience and common sense. The place is called "Don Quixote Social Center". Ironically the neighborhood is called "Windmill".
“The Gezi Sprit gave us the courage to speak up together and decide over ourselves,” said the occupants.
“That enthusiasm made them stronger. Instead of fighting the current system, they show alternatives: They feel "not to occupy an empty building is wasting resources and unfair for the building and the homeless people".
“The house occupation (squat) is a responsibility of the society.
For the occupants the occupation is just a strategy for spreading their message.”
The occupation started in August 2013. They first removed all garbage and cleaned the area, then they finished the half done parts. Some painted the walls, others made artworks or indoor gardens. The house has, among others, a workshop for recycling and reusing material, rooms for women and children, a room for exchanging second hand goods. They also did not forget the ones who sacrificed their lives under the revolts. Seven dead young people are depicted on the walls.
The neighbors welcomed them. Everybody wants to contribute to their cause. They sometimes bring warm tee or food, other times they donate them the stuff they do not need any more. They defended the occupants against the police who came to the house to see what was going on there:
"They are harmless and they changed something ugly into something pretty."
The squatters are friganists: Garbage is turned to art, the half done building eventually inhabited people. They do not accept money, rather exchange or reuse tings. In this house, the resources are used most effectively and nothing is wasted. Here there is neither bureaucracy nor hierarchy; everybody has equal rights. Decisions are taken together during the meetings.
The building was only a ruin before; now it serves the people and the public. In the Don Quixote House they provide material help, among others, for the ones who suffer after the earthquake in the Van province. They also give language courses, arrange seminar, while the university students help schools kids with their homework. The building can also be used for exhibitions and small concerts.
Turkey's first house occupation (squat) can be visited from 8 to 23 daily.
In November another squat has started. The students in the University of Trabzon (KTU) occupied an unused cottage and converted it to a student center.
Universities are for students, then we can use everything on the campus, they say.
The young people should not be underestimated. The majority of Turkey is young, keen on freedom and imagine another society than the one prime minister Erdogan thinks to establish. Turkey will not be the same again. As it was often repeated in the protester slogans against the government:
It is only the beginning!
* Click here to read the original article in Norwegian.