Turkey to Reach 'Overshoot Day' 32 Days Before World

*Mount Little Ararat in Ağrı province (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
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Earth Overshoot Day is the date when humanity's use of resources exceeds what nature can generate in that year.
This year's Overshoot Day is announced as July 29 by the Global Footprint Network. Turkey, on the other hand, will reach its overshoot on June 27, 32 days earlier than the world. In the last year, its Overshoot Day was July 11, 21 days earlier than the world.
WWF Turkey General Manager Aslı Pasinli said not just the state, but also individuals and civil society organizations have responsibility for issued regarding nature.
"As individuals, we can begin by reducing our wastes. The effect of the little changes we make in our daily life is much bigger than we think. As institutions, we expect every sector to transform their way of doing business rather than viewing 'social responsibility' as a project.
"As for the states, an energy revolution needs to happen. Many countries decided to shut down coal power plants," she said.
Turkey's plans for increasing the number of the facilities of solar and wind energy and giving incentives for those rather than coal power plants are "very important steps," she said.
Qatar was the country whose overshoot day was the earliest (February 11), followed by Luxemburg (February 16) and United Arab Emirates (March 8).
Kyrgyzstan will be the last country to overshoot this year's resources (December 26).
The Overshoot Day was March 15 for the US, May 3 for Germany, and May 17 for the UK. (HA/VK)