Turkey to Implement New Judicial Reforms

ntvmsnbc said Turkish government is soon to conclude its efforts to draft new judicial reforms, publicly known as 4th Judicial Package.
New judicial reforms aimed to amend Turkish Penal Code's Articles 220 related to "committing a crime under an illegal organization".
The new draft exempts individuals who are not officially involved or a member of an illegal organization from being charged for "committing a crime under an illegal organization", ntvmsnbc continued.
Hundreds of individuals convicted with involving in KCK and Ergenekon organizations are expected to benefit from the amendment.
The draft is expected to be submitted to the cabinet by Monday.
Other reforms included:
* The abolition of prison sentence for individuals who are charged with "discouraging public from military service"
* The exemption of "thought crimes" that do not include promotion of violence
* The removal of statute of limitations for torture charges (EKN/BM)