Turkey to extradite Iranian women's rights activist Mariam Shariatmadari

Shariatmadari taking her headscarf off in Tehran's Inqilab Street.
Click to read the article in Turkish
Iranian women's rights activist Mariam Shariatmadari, who has been convicted in her country for defying the compulsory headscarf law, was reportedly detained in Turkey last night (September 7).
Shariatmadari said during an Instagram live stream that she was detained in Deniz province and was sent to Aydın Removal Center to be returned to Iran, according to Peyman Aref, a Turkish-speaking Iranian journalist.
She asked for help from all journalists and human rights defenders, Aref said on Twitter.
Aref tweeted today that Shariatmadari was released from detention and had to leave the country within 30 days according to an extradition order.
#MeryemŞariatmedari’nin tutuklandığı anları yansıtan İnstagram üzerinden yaptığı canlı yayın! pic.twitter.com/okZuNRzAJW
— Peyman Aref (@Peyman_Aref) September 7, 2020
Shariatmadari, a women's rights activist against compulsory headscarf law in Iran, has been seeking refuge in Turkey after his conviction, according to other activists from the country.
She was among the women who protested the law during the countrywide political unrest in the country in early 2018. Because of stating protests in Tehran's Inqilab (Revolution) Street, the women were dubbed as the "Girls of Inqilab."
Article 61 of the İstanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence prohibits returning "victims of violence against women."
"Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that victims of violence against women who are in need of protection, regardless of their status or residence, shall not be returned under any circumstances to any country where their life would be at risk or where they might be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."
— Peyman Aref (@Peyman_Aref) September 7, 2020
İranlı kadın aktivist ve zorunlu başörtüye karşı #İnkilapCaddesiKızları isimli hareketten İranda tutuklanıp kesinleşmiş hapis cezası olan ve sonra Türkiye’ye kaçan #MeryemŞariatmedari bu akşam Denizli’de Tr güvenlik güçleri tarafından yakalanıp İran’a iade edilmek pic.twitter.com/iOO4CbofNf
#BREAKING#Maryam_Shariatmadari was first taken to the Denizli Central Police Department and,without checking the system,was put in a car with several other people under the pretext of a hospital and an inn. His next destination is the Security Directorate. pic.twitter.com/huWa1YYm1f