Turkey spends only 0.9 percent of its GDP on environmental protection

* Photo: Pixabay
The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), Turkey's government agency commissioned with producing official statistics, released its "Environmental Protection Expenditure Statistics" for 2019 today (October 27).
According to the figures shared by the Institute, the total environmental protection expenditure amounted to 38.4 billion TRY in 2019, marking an increase of 1.2 percent compared to the previous year.
Out of total environmental protection expenditure, 57.8 percent was realized by financial and non-financial corporations, 34.2 percent was realized by general government and non-profit institutions serving households and 8 percent was realized by households.
46.3 percent spent for waste management
According to the TurkStat, in total environmental protection expenditure, waste management services accounted for 46.3 percent, wastewater management services accounted for 37.8 percent, protection of biodiversity and landscapes accounted for 4.8 percent, protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water accounted for 3.8 percent and other environmental protection domains accounted for 7.3 percent.
Environmental protection investment: 6.4 billion TRY
Out of 6.4 billion TRY of environmental protection investment expenditure, which decreased by 10.5 percent compared to 2018, 76.9 percent was realized by financial and non-financial corporations and 23.1 percent by general government and non-profit institutions serving households.
While environmental protection investment expenditure was 3.3 billion TRY for wastewater management services and 1.4 billion TRY for waste management services, it was 1.7 billion TRY for other domains.
Only 0.9 percent of the GDP
While the share of environmental protection expenditure in the gross domestic product (GDP) was 1 percent in 2018, it was 0.9 percent in 2019, according to the statistics of the TurkStat. (SD)