Turkey's Science Institution Vows to Censor Evolution Theory

According to Radikal newspaper, Bilim (Popular Science) Publishing House, administered by Turkey's official science and technology institute, excluded almost all its publications related to evolution theory.
The institution's website houses an online store where all its publications can be purchased online. A search on the books related to evolution theory yields with only 1 result - Linda Gamlin's Evolution.
The Radikal newspaper article claimed that the halted publications included:
* Richard Dawkins, "The blind watchmaker" and "The selfish gene"
* Alan Moorehead, "Darwin and the Beagle"
* Stephen Jay Gould, "Ever since Darwin"
* Mahlon B. Hoagland, "The origins of life"
* James Watson, "The double helix: A personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA"
* Richard Lewontin, "The triple helix: Gene, organism and environment"
* Ernst Mayr, "This is biology"
* Richard Leakey & Roger Lewin, "People of the lake: Mankind and its beginnings"
Not the first intervention
The Radikal newspaper article reminded that the institute's intervention ke in 2009 to a feature article in Bilim ve Teknik, institution's popular science magazine, due to its content on the 200. anniversary of Charles Darwin, the founder of evolution theory.
Losing her job on that feature, the magazine's former editor-in-chief Çiğdem Atakuman told NTV: "We had prepared a feature in February [2009] on the upcoming anniversary of Charles Darwin. The science council interim president called me to his office and accused me of 'acting upon wrong intuitions'. I was then assigned to another department that had nothing to do with my work." (EKN)