Turkey's Order in the Mirror of WikiLeaks

"Turkey's counter-terrorist efforts against the PKK have evolved in the past year and have expanded beyond military action alone. Although the government's renamed National Unity Project (initially called the "Kurdish Opening") was not fully developed when launched and appears to be moving slowly, the government has increased social and economic support to ethnic Kurds in southeast Turkey, dramatically broadened the rights of Kurds to use their own language, and increased educational opportunities as well. It is post's [Washington Post] view that the military success against the PKK, supported by our intelligence-sharing operation, has given the civilians the political space to explore this opening and to deal directly with Masoud Barzani and other Iraqi Kurds. [...]Our November 2007 decision to share operational intelligence was a turning point for the bilateral relationship. [...] Our cooperation has helped to improve the bilateral relationship across the board, particularly by making it difficult for PKK terrorists to use northern Iraq as a safe haven".
The above lines were taken from a cable of the USA Ministry for Foreign Affairs published on WikiLeaks. The document is dated January 2010 and signed by James Jeffrey, US American Ambassador to Ankara.
The following quotation stems from Nancy McEldowney, employee of the USA embassy in Ankara. The cable is from July 2007.
"Despite analysts' claims of military confidence, the generals are clearly working behind the scenes, using ongoing PKK terrorism and the debate over the necessity of a cross-border operation into northern Iraq to portray the AKP as weak on terrorism. We also detect the military's hand behind recent allegations that the U.S. has, either directly or indirectly, provided weapons to the PKK in northern Iraq. This is also designed to weaken AKP's national security credentials and encourage undecided voters to turn to "tougher" pro-secular parties".
"Selling a rope to the one who intends to hang you"
The leakage of secret documents from the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs is assisting the struggle for democracy and freedom in the world, in Turkey and in Kurdistan in three ways.
* First of all, we see once again that Lenin's depiction of competition between capitalists is not just an empty phrase. He said, "If you tell a capitalist that you are going to hang him he will try to sell you a rope". These documents fully confirm the opinions posed by the political and social opposition, by the anti-militarist and democrtaic forces that the present international order under US hegemony works within an environment of based on dreadful hypocrisy, mutual distrust and mutual calculations directed at undermining each other. Not only is this a confirmation but very clear and concrete proof straight from the horse's mouth. By documenting the USA's and its allies' role in the decaying of humanity, it reaffirmes the untrustworthiness of all states not only in th eyse of the intellectuals but also in the eyes of the peoples of the world.
* Secondly, these documents provide concrete indicators it also provides concrete evidence for the pointlessness and discrepancy of a the conspiracy theories which portray that nothing might change in this world without the will and activity of the US. Looking at how how ignorantly, biased and assine the US American ambassadors and embassy employees might interpret the very devolopments unfolding in front of their eyes, we are once agin convinced that the depictions of invi,ncible and infallile imperialism are nothing but crap fabricated in order to weaken the self conifdence of the peoples.
* Thirdly and for us even more importantly, the documents show us that for the US, for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and for the Turkish military the misery of the Kurdish people and the ongoing war are not a cause of concern, a struggle to be won or a problem to tackle with but just a lever to impose pressure on ecah other, that none of them are concerned about peace.
War as a lever for the USA, the army and the government
The most important thing very clearly revealed by the WikiLeaks documents based on sources in Ankara is the following: For the military, the government and for their ally USA, the lives and security of neither the PKK members [outlawed armed Kurdistan Workers Party] and the Kurds nor the soldiers of the Turkish Armed Forces and Turks worth a penny.
The documents leaked from the US embassy openly confirm: The US intelligence-sahirng operation aims at extending the the regional hegemony of the Turkish government; the army urges for a cross-border operation under no militray concern but underminin g the security credentials of the Turkish government, the government prentends to have granted their own language to the Kurdish people, but not for peace but for domination yet remains deaf to their demands for the recognition of their ethinc identity.
Meanwhile, dozens, hundreds and thousands of young people are continuously being deprived of their right to life and their freedoms.
The Prime Minister did not say in vain that "WikiLeaks is untrustable" as soon as the documents emerged. The classified documents from the US made it very clear that, despite the anti-American and anti-Western rhetoric, behind the curtains both rivals, the government and the military are maneuvering to gain the US support on their own side against each other and against the PKK, and the US remains as an enemy of of the fight for freedom of Turkey's Kurds unless they are linked with Mesoud Barzani.
The Wikileaks documents further clarify that socialists' assesment of the Kurtdish liberation struggle as a strategic ally is not a fancy or deception with lies but is based on concrete realtiy and contributes in the enlightment of the Turkish and international public. (EK)
The long and hot summer ahead


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