Turkey’s Gendarmerie to Work Under Interior Ministry

Articles 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51 of Turkey’s new homeland security act have been passed last night with a majority vote from Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputies. According to Article 51, the administration of gendarmerie forces have been transferred to Interior Ministry and governors will assign all commandants except general ranks.
Shortly known as Homeland Security Act, “Law Proposal on the Amendment of Law No 2559 on Police Duty and Jurisdiction Law and Amendments on Certain Other Regulations” is composed of 132 articles.
Once the homeland security act is ratified, Interior Ministry will also be in charge of layoffs. Providing of gendarmerie forces, on the other hand, will continue with Turkish Armed Forces.
The opposition had criticized the aforementioned articles, saying that it would turn the gendarmerie into the staff of the government and it would politicize the gendarmerie. (HK/BM)
* Photo credit: Aykut Ünlüpınar - Ankara/AA
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.