Turkey’s Day-to-Day Struggle Against Coronavirus

* Photo & Source: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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We have compiled Turkey's day-to-day struggle against the new coronavirus (Covid-19), which originated in China's Wuhan in December 2019.
According to the latest figures shared by the World Health Organization (WHO), as of March 23, 2020, the virus has spread to 190 countries and regions so far. While 334 thousand people have been diagnosed with the virus across the globe, it has claimed the lives of 14 thousand 652 people around the world. The highest death toll from coronavirus has been recorded in Italy, which is followed by China, Spain and Iran.
Turkey's struggle against coronavirus started on January 6, when an operation center was established to fight the outbreak.
Turkey confirmed its first coronavirus case on March 11, 2020. As of yesterday (March 24), 1,872 people have been diagnosed with the virus and 44 people in total have lost their lives in Turkey.
Here is Turkey's day-to-day struggle against the virus:
January 6
Before the WHO declared an emergency on January 30, Turkey established an operation center against the outbreak.
January 10
Coronavirus Science Board was established within the body of Ministry of Health.
January 14
"2019-nCov Disease Guide" was published.
January 20
The first sample was taken from a suspected case in Turkey.
January 23
Incoming passengers from China started to be scanned with thermal cameras at airports.
January 27
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel advisory.
February 1
The citizens of Turkey were evacuated from China's Wuhan and brought back to Turkey.
February 5
All flights from China to Turkey were suspended.
February 7
All types of animal import from China was temporarily halted.
February 12
It was announced that domestically produced diagnosis kits giving fastest results in the world were exported.
February 23
All air, land and railway crossings from Iran to Turkey were suspended.
February 29
All incoming and departing passenger flights between Turkey and Iraq, South Korea, Italy were suspended.
March 3
A warning was made to urge people returning from Umrah in Saudi Arabia to observe the "14-days" rule and to isolate themselves for 2 weeks.
March 11
Turkey confirmed its first coronavirus case. Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy and Minister of Trade Ruhsar Pekcan held a joint press conference and announced the new measures against the outbreak.
March 12
President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presided a meeting on coronavirus.
* Primary, secondary and high schools and universities were temporarily closed.
* It was agreed to hold sports events without fans.
March 13
Health Minister Koca, Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Cahit Turhan announced new measures.
* Limitation were imposed on hospital visits.
* Prisons visits were postponed for 2 weeks.
* It was agreed that 184 Ministry of Health Communication Center (SABİM) Line would inform the public about coronavirus.
* Flight ban was extended to the European countries of Germany, France, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Sweden and the Netherlands.
March 15
Citizens returning from Umrah were placed in quarantine in students' dormitories in the capital city of Ankara and Konya.
March 16
It was announced that diagnosis tests would be conducted across Turkey.
The flight ban was extended to 6 other countries. The total number of countries with flight bans increased to 20.
The operations of some businesses were temporarily halted.
It was agreed to temporarily suspend daily prayers at mosques and masjids, especially the Friday prayers.
March 17
Turkey reported its first death from the coronavirus. The number of cases increased to 98, as again announced by Health Minister Koca.
March 21
A curfew was declared for citizens 65 years and older and citizens suffering from chronic diseases.
March 22
Turkish Airlines (THY) decided to suspend all of its international flights, except for the ones to and from Hong Kong, Moscow, Addis Ababa, New York and Washington, as of March 27 to April 17, 2020.
March 23
The number of cases increased to 1,529 in Turkey and death toll to 37.
It was agreed that markets would serve the citizens from 9 in the morning to 9 in the evening. The number of customers at markets was restricted.
It was agreed that intracity and intercity carryalls would accept passengers half of their capacity.
March 24
The number of cases increased to 1,872 and death toll to 44.