Turkey's Campuses Show Solidarity with METU

Several unions and alumni association of METU have called for a boycott today with their slogan "No Classes, if Police is Here".
The groups said METU students and professor would boycott their regular classes today and attend an open lecture held by activist METU professors following a press conference in the early afternoon.
Students groups around Turkey also raised their voices against police brutality at METU with solidarity protests which were intervened by the police.
In Adana province, many student groups aiming to march towards AKP headquarters became subject to police brutality with plastic bullets and tear gas, leaving dozens wounded.
In Mersin province, university students gathered on the steps of the university president building to raise their voices.
In Eskisehir province, Turkey's largest campus city, police put barricades and cast tear gas bombs on hundreds of protestors by the Anadolu University entrance. Students who managed to reach the university building were reported assaulted by private security staff and their demands to meet the university president were rejected.
Similar protests occurred at university campuses in Izmir, Trabzon and Kocaeli. (BK/HK)