Turkey Ranks Worse in Rule of Law Index

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The Rule of Law Index 2019 was released by the World Justice Project (WJP) on March 1. The index has shown that Turkey has ranked 109th among 126 countries in terms of rule of law.
According to the index, which has also geographically categorized the countries, Turkey has ranked the last among 13 countries in the group of Eastern European and Central Asian countries.
When the categorization in terms of income group is considered, Turkey has ranked only better than Venezuela among 38 countries in the category of upper-middle income countries.
Denmark, Norway, Finland
The index was prepared by 123 thousand 800 researchers from 126 countries, including 3 thousand 800 experts. The top three countries in the 201-page index are Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Turkey ranks 122nd in 'Fundamental Rights'
The rankings of Turkey according to other countries are as follows:
* 123rd in "Constraints on Government Powers"
* 57th in "Absence of Corruption"
* 94th in "Open Government"
* 122nd in "Fundamental Rights"
* 96th in "Order and Security"
* 106th in "Regulatory Enforcement"
* 96th in "Civil Justice"
Turkey ranked 101st last year
The WJP has been releasing the "Rule of Law Index" since 2008.
As part of the project, the rule of law in given countries is evaluated according to eight main criteria, namely constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice and administrative sanctions.
While Turkey ranked 101st among 113 countries in 2018, it ranked 99th in 2017. (AS/SD)
* You can reach the full index here