Turkey is US Trigger-Puller, Unpaid Soldier
According to Gerger, Turkey overestimated its hand in war negotiations with the U.S. "Turkey was overly cunning. It recoiled. Instead of being a paid soldier, Turkey became an unpaid soldier," Gerger said.
Gerger answered Free Radio's questions and commented on Turkey-European Union relations.
"Turkey is U.S.' partner in this offence"
Gerger drew attention to these points:
* The Turkish government is trying to act like it has never joined the U.S. in this attack, as if it rejected this war. This is not right.
* We know that the government sent a motion to the parliament so that we could join the U.S. in this war. Abdullah Gul and Tayyip Erdogan said, "We are strategic allies with the U.S. We have to help them." In the same way, the General Staff, very openly said "We need to act together with the U.S." The Turkish Businessmen and Industrialists Group (TUSIAD) said the same thing, and the media keeps saying the same thing.
* Turkey's basic institutions wanted Turkey to allow U.S. troops in. And today, Turkey has allowed the use of its airspaces. The U.S. is sending bombs and troops to Iraq through Turkey's airspace. So, Turkey, very openly, is U.S.' partner in this war and attack.
The astuteness recoiled
* Turkey overestimated its hand in war negotiations with the U.S. It acted too cunningly. This recoiled. Turkey became an unpaid soldier instead of a paid one.
* Turkey is continuing to be an unpaid soldier, and some want it to be even more active. Turkey is a country that is dependant on the U.S. Through this behavior, Turkey has morally collapsed and become a partner in this crime.
* Actually, in this "operation of slavery," Turkey is acting as U.S.' trigger-puller. Some are not satisfied with this. They want to be even more of a trigger-puller. This is where things stand. In the meantime, the U.S. just pushed Turkey away with the back of its hand. As it does to all of its trigger-pullers it said disrespectfully, "I can get this done with very little money." And it is continuing like this. (AD/BB/EA/NM))