Turkey grants emergency approval for Sputnik V vaccine

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca has made a statement about Russia's novel coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine Sputnik V.
"Emergency use of Sputnik V vaccine was approved following the assessments and evaluations by our Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency," Fahrettin Koca has announced on Twitter, which will make Russia's Sputnik V the 3rd vaccine in use in Turkey.
"It will become the third vaccine in use in Turkey against COVID-19, following China's Sinovac and the BioNTech jabs," Koca has noted.
Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumumuz yaptığı inceleme ve değerlendirmeler sonunda Sputnik V aşısının acil kullanımına onay vermiştir. İki ülke için hayırlı olmasını dilerim. Böylece üçüncü aşı olarak Sputnik V aşısı da ülkemizde kullanıma girecek.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) April 30, 2021
Koca previously told reporters that Turkey signed an agreement to receive 50 million doses of Sputnik V vaccine over six months starting in May.
As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), since starting a mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign in mid-January, Turkey has administered over 22.8 million jabs. More than 13.7 million people have received their first doses, while 9.1 million have been fully vaccinated. (RT/SD)