Tunceli Governorship Says ‘No Fire’, Ferhat Tunç Shares Video

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The Governorship of Tunceli has denied the news regarding the fire which broke out in Aliboğazı in the district of Hozat in Turkey's southeastern province of Dersim and has allegedly not been intervened with any firefighting efforts for almost a week.
In the statement published on the official website of the governorship, it has been stated, "The news made under the headline of 'Dersim is Burning' do not reflect the truth and the photographs used in the related new reports do not belong to our city." It has also shared photographs regarding the fire being taken under control.
After this statement was released, Ferhat Tunç, a musician from Dersim, has shared a video which shows the fire that broke out in Aliboğazı on August 15 on his social media account and called the Governor to prove that the video does not belong to the city.
Tunceli Valisi, bugün yaptığı açıklamada sosyal medyada paylaşılan yangın fotoğraflarının Tunceli’ye ait olmadığını belirtmiştir. Dün akşam Aliboğazında çekilen bu videonun buraya ait olmadığını ıspat etsin, gidip kendisinden özür dileyeceğim. pic.twitter.com/F6sSZRb63a
— FERHAT TUNÇ (@ferhatttunc) 16 Ağustos 2018
In his tweet, Tunç has said, "In a statement that he made today (August 16), the Governor of Tunceli stated that the fire photographs on social media do not belong to Tunceli. If he proves that this video taken last evening in Aliboğazı does not belong here, I will go and apologize to him."
* Photograph: Ferhat Tunç
It was previously stated that the fire in the city erupted as a result of a fire which was opened as part of an operation conducted in the area and spread as far as the regions of Değirmendere, Zoğar, Zenge, Koçeri, Bozan, Koskozulca and Dündül. (TP/SD)