Trustee appointed to DEM Party’s Akdeniz Municipality

The Interior Ministry announced that the arrested Co-Chair of Mersin Province’s Akdeniz District Municipality, Hoşyar Sarıyıldız, had been dismissed, and that Akdeniz District Governor Zeyit Şener had been appointed as government trustee in his place.
In its statement, the Interior Ministry added that the Co-Chair of Mersin Province’s Akdeniz District Municipality, Hoşyar Sarıyıldız, had been arrested on charges of ‘propaganda of a terrorist organization’, ‘membership of an armed terrorist organization’, ‘violation of the Law on the Prevention of the Financing of Terrorism’ and ‘opposition to Law no. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations’.
The statement added:
“As a temporary precaution, Hoşyar Sarıyıldız has been dismissed from his position by the Interior Ministry in accordance with Article 127 of the Constitution and Article 47 of the Law on Municipalities no.5393. In accordance with Articles 45 and 46 of the Law on Municipalities no.5393, Akdeniz District Governor Zeyit Şener has been appointed Akdeniz Municipality Trustee by the Mersin Governorate.”
According to the statement of the Interior Ministry, Akdeniz District Municipality Assembly Members Nuriye Arslan, Özgür Çağlar, Hikmet Bakırhan and Neslihan Oruç were also dismissed.
On government trustee Şener
Following deputy district governor appointments at the Ulaş district of Sivas province and Alkışla district of Kayseri province, training at the Academy of National Security, language education and courses at Sheffield University, he served as district governor of Dikmen district of Sinop province, Demirözü district of Bayburt province, Aşkale district of Erzurum province, Serinhisar district of Denizli province, Gölmarmara district of Manisa province and Güngören district of Istanbul.
With the Presidential Appointment Decree no. 2022/392, dated 12 August 2022 and published in the Official Gazette no.31921, he was appointed District Governor of Akdeniz.
In 2024, trustees were appointed to 7 municipalities
Since the 31 March local elections, government trustees have been appointed to 5 DEM Party and 2 CHP municipalities.
DEM Party’s Hakkari Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış was dismissed from this position on 3 June, and Hakkari Governor Ali Çelik was appointed as government trustee in his place.
On 30 October, CHP’s Esenyurt District Mayor Ahmet Özer was also dismissed. Istanbul Deputy Governor Can Aksoy was appointed as government trustee in Özer’s place.
Then, on 4 November, Mardin Metropolitan Mayor Ahmet Türk, Batman Mayor Gülistan Sönük and Şanlıurfa Province Halfeti District Mayor Mehmet Karayılan were dismissed from their positions. In place of Türk, Mardin Governor Tuncay Akkoyun, in place of Sönük, Batman Governor Ekrem Canalp, and in place of Karayılan, Halfeti District Governor Hakan Başoğlu were appointed as government trustees.
On 22 November, by decree of the Interior Ministry, Dersim Mayor Cevdet Konak from DEM Party and Ovacık Mayor Mustafa Sarıgül from the CHP were dismissed from duty. In Konak’s place, Tunceli Governor Bülent Tekbıyıkoğlu and in Sarıgül’s place Ovacık District Governor Hüseyin Şamil Sözen were appointed as government trustees.