Trabzon Attack: KRG Calls on Turkey to Release Kurdish Tourists

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The Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has released a statement on the lynch attack against Kurdish tourists in the northeastern city of Trabzon because of wearing scarves with "Kurdistan" written on them.
CLICK - Assault Against Kurdisn Tourists in Trabzon
The KRG government spokesperson Jotiar Adil called on Turkey to release its citizens who were detained after being attacked, saying that KRG PM Masrour Barzani "has expressed his concern over the incident and has tasked KRG's relevant authorities to get in touch with their Turkish counterparts to secure the tourists' immediate release."
"The flag of the Kurdistan Region is recognized by the Iraqi Constitution, and has been previously displayed at Turkish airports to welcome official delegates from the Kurdistan Region," the spokesperson added.
The KRG's parliamentary committee for Foreign Relations and Diaspora Kurds also released statements today, condemning "any type of discrimination by some of the citizens of Turkey against Kurdistan [Region] tourists in Trabzon city," the Kurdistan 24 reported. (RT/EKN/VK)