Tözeren’s Lawyer: She is Detained, Because She Helped Poor Families
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Taken into custody in a house raid on August 20, writer-physician-peace activist Ayşegül Tözeren is expected to depose to the Prosecutor's Office at the İstanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan today (August 23).
CLICK - Writer and Columnist Ayşegül Tözeren Detained
Making a statement on Twitter yesterday, her lawyer Erdal Doğan has announced that Tözeren will be taken to İstanbul Courthouse today.
In his message, lawyer Doğan has stated, "The deposition of writer and physician Ayşegül Tözeren was taken at the Anti-Terror Branch of İstanbul Security Directorate in presence of her lawyers today. She will be taken to the Prosecutor's Office tomorrow."
Doğan has also shared the following information about her detention:
"Today, the deposition of Tözeren was taken in company with us, her lawyers, as to the criminal charges brought against her within the frame of organizational activities based on two incidents.
"She will be taken to the Prosecutor's Office with regards to these two incidents. These two incidents are the following:
"She deposited 100 lira for poor families with children in Silopi twice.
"In 2014, holding hands with a group of literary figures, she made a statement in the district of Suruç in Urfa to raise concerns over the children and women who suffered from conflicts and to demand the opening of borders for the people in need of protection."
Edebiyatçı ve hekim @aysegultozeren’in bugün İstanbul Emniyet Müdürlüğü Terörle Mücadele Şubesi’nde avukatları huzurunda ifadesi alındı, yarın da savcılığa çıkarılacaktır. Ayrıntılar aşağıdadır: pic.twitter.com/KU7X6eB72K
— Erdal Doğan (@Erdal_Dogan_) August 22, 2019
Her friends have called on everyone to solidarize
Tözeren's friends have called on everyone to solidarize with her on their social media accounts under the hashtag #AyşegülTözerenYalnızDeğildir (Ayşegül Tözeren is not alone).
#AyşegülünSuçuNe ?
— nihan aksakalli (@NihanAksakalli) August 22, 2019
- Silopi’deki ekonomik zorluktaki çocuklu ailelere 100 TL para yardımı yapmak
- 2014’de Suruç’ta, çocuk ve kadınların yaşam zorluklarına dikkati çekmek için ELELE TUTUŞMA eylemi yapmak https://t.co/ysC6HzwQI1
"What is Ayşegül's crime? She gave monetary aid of 100 TRY to families with children having financial hardships. She staged a protest of holding hands in Suruç in 2014 to raise concerns over the difficulties of life suffered by children and women."
3 gündür evi basılarak gözaltında tutulan edebiyatçı, eleştirmen, hekim, insan hakları aktivisti, feminist, arkadaşımız @aysegultozeren'in bugün Emniyet'te ifadesi alındı. Yarın Cuma günü savcı önüne çıkarılacak. Saat 10:00’da Çağlayan Adliyesi'nde! #AyşegülTözerenYalnızDeğildir pic.twitter.com/J209r8hTjP
— M. İrem Afşin (@iremafsin) August 22, 2019
"The deposition of our friend writer, critic, physician, human rights activist, feminist Ayşegül Tözeren, who was detained in a house raid three days ago, was taken today at the Security Directorate.
"She will be taken to the Prosecutor's Office tomorrow. At 10 a.m. at Çağlayan Courthouse! Ayşegül Tözeren is not alone"
Ayşegül iyi bir arkadaş ve de önemlisi bir dostur.
— Ahmet Güneştekin (@AhmetGunestekin) August 20, 2019
Hekimdir, edebiyatçıdır ve insan hakları savunucusudur. Hiçbir canlıyı incitmeyecek kadar da zarif bir insandır.
Hiç kimse düşüncelerinden dolayı tutsak edilmemeli.#AyseguelToezerenYalnızDeğildir pic.twitter.com/oK6go1gXK4
"Ayşegül is a good friend and, more importantly, she is a fellow friend. She is a physician, a literary figure and human rights defender. She is such a graceful human that she cannot harm any creatures. No one should be captivated due to their opinions. Ayşegül Tözeren is not alone."
* Image: Kafa Magazine