Thirteen Neighborhoods and Villages in Eight Provinces Quarantined over Coronavirus

Photos: AA
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Thirteen neighborhoods and villages in various parts of Turkey have been quarantined as part of measures against the coronavirus outbreak.
Authorities previously quarantined four villages and one town in the northeastern Rize province on March 27.
In central Anatolia, five villages have been quarantined in Sivas province: Şenbağlar village in Akıncılar district, Boyalı and Dilekli villages in Koyulhisar district, and Boyalıca and Gökçekaş villages in Suşehri district. Sivas Governor's Office said in a statement that the quarantined places "hosted many of our townspeople who came from outside Sivas" and that the quarantined was imposed to prevent the threats to lives in the province. All entries and exits have been banned, it added.
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In Yozgat, Derbent village was quarantined as of March 29. The decision was taken upon Articles 27 and 72 of the Law on Public Hygiene, Yozgat Governor's Office said in a statement. Entries and exits from the villages have been banned until further notice, it said.
In Çankırı, Aliözü village in Çerkeş district was quarantined until further notice, the governor's office announced.
In the northwestern Çanakkale province, Çan District Governor's Office announced that Maltepe village was quarantined for 14 days as of 10 p.m. on March 29 upon a decision by the District Public Hygiene Council.
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In the eastern Malatya province, Eğnir neighborhood in Darende district and Ilıca Neighborhood in Darende district were quarantined on March 29 upon orders by district public hygiene councils, Malatya Governor's Office announced.
In the Black Sea provinces of Gümüşhane and Giresun, two villages were quarantined as well. Gümüşhane Governor's Office stated that a person who came to Yukarı Kulaca village in Şiran district from Kocaeli had contacted a Covid-19 patient. Therefore the village was quarantined.
Giresun Governor's Office stated that Karadikmek village in Çamoluk district was quarantined until further notice upon Articles 27 and 72 of the Law on Public Hygiene.
In the western Kütahya province, Yeşildere village in Simav district was quarantined because one person was diagnosed with Covid-19, the governor's office announced. (TP/VK)