Think Civilian Advisory Board Begins Tomorrow
Headline Image: Sivil Düşün AB Programı (Think Civilian EU Program)
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5th Advisory Board Meeting of Think Civilian EU Program supported by European Union Delegation of Turkey’s right based works and civil society will begin at Vişnelik Facilities of Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ).
Discussion, forum
Danışma Kurulu Toplantısı, sivil alanda hak savunuculuğu yapan aktivistlerden farklı aktivizm örneklerine kadar geniş bir yelpazeyi içerecek.
The meeting will involve a wide range of various activism examples from activists advocating rights in civil sphere.
The first day of the program will discuss past 10 years of civil society with its breaking points.
Besides, a forum will take place in which activists will have an exchange of ideas and share their experiences ranging from animal rights to video activism, refugee rights to volunteerism.
A broad perspective
Subjects such as strategical filing, civil society-public cooperation, organizing Roman people, capacity developing will be discussed in another session to be held under the title #BenceÖrgütlenme.
In the second day of the Advisory Board, 12 different workshops will be opened simultaneously to participation of the activists.
Some of the workshops are as follows: Monitoring for Participation in Gender Equality, Memory Studies and Digital Activism, Activism Through Visual Art and Design: Samples and Strategies, Social Media and Visualization Tools for NGOs, Juvenile Participation in Civil Society Works.
Exhibition entitled “Other Side of the River” created by Ali Saltan can be visited during the meeting in ODTÜ Vişnelik.
Activists and NGOs will discuss activism on social media under the hashtag #BenceAktivizm for two days.
What is Think Civilian?
Think Civilian EU Program is an innovative, flexible and participant EU program aiming to meet the needs of activists, NGOs, networks and platforms.
The program has been designed by designating needs of NGOs subsequent to comprehensive study consisting of consultation meetings actualized by 730 civil society representatives in 11 cities by European Union Delegation of Turkey in the years of 2010 and 2011. (AF/YY/TK)