Theatre Actors call for Justice for Children in Detention

Theatre actors Halil Ergün, Sumru Yavrucuk, Kenan Işık, Ayça Damgacı, Ayşenil Şamloğlu and Nedim Saban came together to draw attention to children kept in detention under the Anti-Terror Law (TMK). The actors read stories and sang songs for the children, demanding justice for the children in detention.
"Children mus be treated as children"
The event was organized by the Justice for Children Group. After the opening speech made by Nedim Saban, lawyer Mehmet Uçum informed the audience about the chidren's situations.
Paedagogue Esen Acarer argued, "Children in prisons have communication problems. The chidren have to be treated as children, regardless of their race, religion, social status or ideology".
Actor Yavrycuk warned, "The children are prosecuted like adults and receive long prison sentences. There is no way that they meet this world with an positive attitude after their release".
Samlıoğlu called for action, "A joint movement is very useful in this context. We have to pave the way for the children. It is our responsibilty to protect and watch them diligently. We have to reckognize the children's right to life. It is too sad that children are prosecuted under absurd charges. They must not be punished out of ratio".
Actor Turgay Tanülkü who grew up in prison shared his memories of the prison with the audience.
The actors read passages from books such as "Iron Game" or "The Diary of Anne Frank".
When the actors sang songs to the children, Saban also distributed sweets to the particiants. (ÇA/BÇ/VK)