The UN Demands More Protection For Woman In Prevention Of Torture
In a press release made together on the day of Solidarity with the Torture Victims, six United Nations organs demanded more protection for women in the processes against torture.
The announcement was made by the UN Human Rights High Commission, the Committee Against Torture, the Subcommittee For The Prevention Of Torture, The Special Reporter For The Torture And The Other Cruel, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment, The Special Reporter For Violence Against Women and The Volunteer Fund Management For Torture Victims.
There is need to struggle against torture that targets women
Reminding that the women may be tortured in very different ways, the UN organs said, “Certain ways of violence based on social sexual discrimination and implemented by states, institutions and persons clearly result in torture; now, the violence based on social sexual discrimination is also included in the definition of torture according to the Convention Against Torture.”
“Especially the women who are deprived of their freedoms may encounter sexual violence. This usually takes place with strong stigmatization that aggravates the pain this form of violence creates. The women who are deprived of their freedoms have a series of special needs. Therefore, they are up against special difficulties. These should be taken into consideration in protection and prevention efforts.”
Therefore, they demanded more support for the global campaign to prevent violence against women that began in February of this year and more effort for prevention of and protection from torture, the rehabilitation of the victims, justice, and accessing the international help.
The UN asked especially those countries that are known to be practicing torture extensively and systematically to help the UN Volunteer Fund Management For Torture Victims, which allocates its funds to the non-governmental organizations and rehabilitation centers that work with torture victims and their families.
“Sign the Optional Additional Protocol”
The UN organs asked all the states to ratify the Optional Additional Protocol, one of the important mechanisms for prevention of torture. (TK/EZÖ/TB)