The Socialist Deputy Uras Says “A Regime Crisis" Is A Possibility

Ufuk Uras, the Freedom and Solidarity Party’s (ÖDP) sole deputy in the Parliament, said that it became very clear with this decision of the Constitutional Court to revoke the amendments that would allow women to wear the Muslim headscarf at Turkish universities and stop its implementation that Turkey needs a new constitution.
Uras reminded that they had told that this amendment, resulting from the collaboration between the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), would not be able to solve the problem and, on the contrary, “create a chaos.”
“But the AKP-MHP alliance did not want to see this. AKP made a huge mistake by not preferring a constitutional change involving an extensive democratization that would be based on the wide consent of the society.”
Emphasizing that a crisis was born with this decision, Uras argued that in the case the Parliament is unable to manage this crisis, it will develop into “a regime crisis”.
“On the other hand, the field of politics has become smaller with the decision of the Constitutional Court, the center of gravity in the principle of the separation of powers has just moved towards the jurisdiction. The legislative has been pushed in the shadow of the jurisdiction.”
Uras made the following call in his written statement:
“One more time we are calling upon all the parties in the Parliament. Immediate steps must be taken to prepare a constitution that is based on the consent of the whole society and to take the necessary measures to prevent the interruption of democratic practices. AKP must realize this and lay aside its egocentric mentality, encourage the wide participation of the society, and do its part to develop a constitution that is for freedom, democracy and equality.” (EÜ/EZÖ)