‘The party escalating tension in the Mediterranean is not Turkey, but Greece’

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA) - Archive
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After Turkey issued a new NAVTEX for the Oruç Reis seismic vessel, the Foreign Ministry of Greece released a written statement yesterday (August 10), declaring Turkey's seismic research in Mediterranean "illegal."
"Turkey's new illegal Navtex for illegal surveys south of the island of Megisti on the Greek continental shelf, in combination with the broad mobility by Turkish naval units that has been observed, constitutes a new serious escalation and clearly exposes Turkey's role which is destabilising and threatening to peace," the statement of Greece read.
CLICK - Minister: Turkey's Oruç Reis vessel reaches destination for seismic research
In response to this statement, Nami Aksoy, the Spokesperson for Turkey's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has also released a statement.
Reminding that "the seismic activity of research vessel Oruç Reis was temporarily suspended" in a "gesture of goodwill," the statement has noted that the vessel "has launched its previously planned activity" as "Greece has demonstrated that she is not sincere and honest about dialogue with a pirated agreement concluded with Egypt on August 6."
The full statement of Nami Aksoy is as follows:
Greece-Egypt agreement
"As is known, the seismic survey activity of our research vessel Oruç Reis, which had been scheduled for last July within the areas of our continental shelf declared to UN and within the license areas granted by the Turkish Government to TPAO in 2012, was temporarily suspended upon the instructions of H.E. President Erdoğan.
"This gesture of good-will, aimed to give a chance to diplomacy and revitalize the dialogue channels which we made upon the request of Germany and the EU, has not been reciprocated.
"Greece demonstrated that she is not sincere and honest about dialogue with a pirated agreement concluded with Egypt on 6 August 2020.
Through this agreement, the continental shelves of both Turkey and Libya in the Eastern Mediterranean have been violated.
"Upon this development our research vessel Oruç Reis, as of today, has launched its previously planned activity.
CLICK - Turkey says Greece-Egypt maritime border deal 'null and void'
'It is against the principle of equity'
"There is no legal basis for the objections of Greece to this activity. As repeatedly stated on previous occasions, the Greek islands in the region, Kastellorizo in particular, cutting off the continental shelf of Turkey is against the principle of equity, which is the main principle of international law for maritime boundary delimitation.
"Turkey, having not seen once again a positive response to its good-will gesture, will continue to exercise her rights stemming from international law and to resolutely continue her planned activities.
'...Mediterranean under Turkish dominance for centuries'
"The party escalating tension in the Mediterranean is not Turkey, but Greece herself. Nobody should try to overstep the line by attempting to exclude Turkey from the Mediterranean Sea which had been under Turkish dominance for centuries. Those acting under the presumption of being 'the sole owners' of the Mediterranean will be deeply disappointed.
"Turkey has the strength and determination as well as the means and capabilities to demolish the axes of malice formed against herself.
"On the other hand, Turkish military presence in the area aims in no way toward an escalation, but merely functions as a guarantee of the exercise of our right to legitimate self-defense if need be. A military intervention on a civilian vessel of ours will naturally not be permitted."
About Oruç Reis seismic vesselAs part of the country's hydrocarbon exploration activities, Turkey announced the drillship MTA Oruç Reis' new seismic research activity in the Eastern Mediterranean via NAVTEX (navigational telex) starting August 10, 2020. Oruç Reis will continue its activities in the Eastern Mediterranean with Cengiz Han and Ataman vessels until August 23. The vessel can sail non-stop for 35 days. It has a helicopter pad, hydrography and oceanography features and it has the ability to scan the sea-floor up to depth of 15,000 meters. Turkey has consistently contested the Southern Cyprus administration's drilling in the Eastern Mediterranean, asserting that Northern Cyprus also has rights to the resources in the area. * Source: Anadolu Agency (AA) |
What is NAVTEX?NAVTEX is an international automated medium frequency direct-printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent maritime safety information to ships. It was developed to provide a simple and automated means of receiving this information aboard ships at sea within 370 km (200 nautical miles) off shore. NAVTEX is a component of the International Maritime Organization/International Hydrographic Organization Worldwide Navigation Warning Service (WWNWS). * Source: Wikipedia |