“The Government Overlooks Tensions in Antep”

bianet interviewed journalist Nurgün Balcıoğlu from Gaziantep Sabah Newspaper regarding the rising of tensions after the killing of a landlord by a Syrian tenant.
Balcıoğlu stated that 500,000 Syrians arrived in the city of 1-1.5 million and this has a serious impact on social life of the city. She advocated that the attempt of ignorant and unemployed young population to find out their identity is the reason lies behind the tension and argues that this tension cannot be easily overcome.
Ignorant and unemployed young population
“The main problem is not about Syrians. There is a rising young and unemployed population in the city because of migration. Syrians became a mediator for these youth, so that they express themselves. These young people are unemployed, poor, and ignorant and they are looking for their identities. Therefore, sending Syrians away form the city became their new mission.
“On the other side, one section of the youths exploit Syrians and they are glad of that Syrians are in the city. For example, they rent out a house for 1000 liras to Syrians which actually costs 500 liras. Or they hire a Syrian and pay them 10 liras for each day instead of paying a Turk 100 liras. These persons say that Syrians work more efficiently and for low pages.
If you are a Syrian, you’ll be hit
“These unemployed and ignorant youth get quickly organized via social media. In the evenings, they gather in groups and look for Syrians. By the way, they carry sticks and knives with them and hurt every Syrians no matter who.
“I know someone living in a slum. He tells that those youths laugh at Syrians and attack them with sticks. Syrians are their target group.
“For example, a group of 20 holding sticks in their hands moved toward that guy last night and asked him if he is Syrian. If they didn’t understand that he is from Turkey, they would beat him up.
Change in social life
“According to official statistics, 200,000 Syrians live in the city. However, number of Syrians is approximately 500,000 according to unofficial explanations of mayor and governor of the city.
“These 500,000 Syrians arrived in a city of 1-1.5 million people. This number doesn’t include those living in camps. 500,000 Syrians have changed lots of things in the city.
“The problem has many aspects”
“I don’t think that we can handle the problem. It has many aspects. It is about unemployment, sheltering, education, health etc.
“Authorities of the city have nothing to do with this because these problems can be overcome only through policies of the state.
Logistics center of the FSA
“I think that the state policy about this issue is completely wrong from the beginning. 4-5 years ago borders were removed and uncontrolled immigration started.
“They made Antep the logistics center of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The greatest harm to Antep and whole country is done with this. Radio of FSA makes live broadcast from here and commanders gather here and hold meetings. Now, we experience a war while there is actually no war.
“The government overlooks it”
“It was obvious even several years ago that such an explosion was going to take place in this city. We had the problem of smuggled tea, cigarettes, petrol, drugs, and weapons. Now, the problem of illegal immigration appeared.
“The half of workers working in the industrial zone is Syrians. Old workers are fired and new workers are hired for one-third less money and without insurance.
“On the other hand, government condones that Syrians are treated as cheap labour and work without insurance; in addition, it doesn’t intervene in this insecure situation.” (EKN/MUY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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