The Biggest “Disaster” at the Parliament

60 non-governmental organizations including mostly neighborhood associations, trade associations came together and signed a declaration.
The demonstration was held in front of Department of Environment and Urbanism and the group carried "The biggest disaster came up from the Parliament", "Say No to Dozer Law" and "People have the right to housing" banners.
"Urban transformation is capital transfer from poor to rich"
"We'll keep on resisting until our shoes are worn out" told the Head of Tozkoparan Neighborhood Association Ömer Kiriş,
"If the laws are not humanistic, there's no way to apply them. This government is worse than despotic dictatorships. Urban transformation is capital transfer from poor to rich"
"If their aim was providing security against earthquake, they wouldn't construct roads with the money collected after 1999. They always say "we'll not behave unjustly toward you, we'll give you a place to live here". However their conditions are so harsh that only 5% of the inhabitants may continue to live here."
"You'll be charged with establishing terrorist organization when you resist"
"This law is made without consulting to any trade organizations, non-governmental organizations" told Assistant Prof. Çiğdem Şahin from Urban Movements Association.
"According to the law, the whole process is carried out by the Ministry; Ministry is the one determining both the riska and the experts. If two or three people are organized for their houses, they'll be taken into custody on charges of 'establishing terrorist organization' Derbent was a sample case for this."
"If this law is against earthquake why do you also demolish the safe buildings? First make a distinction in between safe and unsafe buildings and then give people their right. However, the real aim is demolishing all buildings and saying "take this place and sell it" to the contractor."
Everything is for the construction sector
Gürkan Akgün from Chamber Of City Planners read the declaration:
* 'Urban transformation' is on the agenda of Turkey, especially for big cities and it became legitimized under the name of "disaster and earthquake risk"
* Urban transformation is anti-democratic, centralist and lacks scientific basis. The implemented law is totally contrary to Constitution and international conventions.
* On the one hand, they demolish the buildings declared "risky", on the other hand they continue to construct risky buildings. All cities are transformed into "revenue transfer areas" under the pretext of "disaster risk".
* We object to this law, which just aims to develop construction sector and we question the legitimacy of it.
* Even the last lands, forest, agricultural land, pasture, coastal and conservation areas held by public are discussed to be disposed. There's nothing written at the law for "Disaster" however there are some clauses completely blocking the legal channels to seek justice.
Impoverishment, homelessness, exile
* Inhabitants of Dikmen, Sulukule, Ayazma, Tarlabaşı and many other districts were evicted from their houses they lived for years by force. They lost their jobs; they became indebted; they were exposed to violations of social, economic and cultural rights.
* Luxury residences and shopping centers were constructed instead of their apartments and construction firms, local and central authorities, shared them.
* "Urban transformation" led to the enrichment of a small part of the society whereas it created an extreme impoverishment, homelessness at the vast majority of the society; these people are all exiled to suburban areas. (NV)
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