The 'assailant with machete' during the Gezi Park protests killed in a fight

Sabri Çelebi, also known as the "assailant with machete" for attacking activists with a machete during the Gezi Park protests in 2013, was killed as a result of an armed attack in Beyoğlu Talimhane.
Çelebi had previously received a 3-year prison sentence for "intentional injury with a cutting tool that can be considered a weapon" in connection with this incident.
Palalı Sabri lakaplı Sabri Çelebi, Gezi protestocularına böyle saldırmıştı.
— Haber Aktif (@haberaktifcom) February 2, 2024
According to the news from Habertürk reporter Mustafa Şekeroğlu, the incident occurred last night around 01:30 (February 2). Sabri Çelebi was stopped by an individual while driving his car.
An argument ensued between Çelebi and the person who approached him. During the dispute, the suspect began punching Çelebi and shot him with a firearm he took out from his waist.
Other allegations and law cases against Çelebi
Injured Çelebi was taken to the hospital in his own car and died there.
Çelebi, facing up to 248 years in prison for establishing and managing a network to exploit women, engaging in sex trafficking with the criminal organization he formed, was acquitted six months ago in this case.
Regarding the bat attack during the Gezi Park protests, Çelebi and three other defendants were tried at the Istanbul 53rd Criminal Court of First Instance.
In the verdict hearing held on May 11, 2017, Sabri Çelebi, who was sentenced to 3 years in prison for "intentional injury with a cutting tool that can be considered a weapon" against four individuals, including a police officer, was also fined 9,000 TL for injuring a woman with armor. (TY/PE)