Tensions rise between Turkish-backed factions, Kurdish forces in northern Syria

As Ankara continues its efforts to “normalize” relations with Damascus, tensions have escalated on the ground between the Turkish-backed "Syrian National Army" (SNA, formerly known as the Free Syrian Army) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
Recently, Alexander Lavrentiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Special Envoy for Syria, stated that the presence of the Turkish army in Syria is the biggest obstacle to normalization between Ankara and Damascus. Lavrentiev argued that Turkey is acting “like an occupying country.”
Over the past week, mutual infiltration operations, rocket attacks, and artillery shelling on frontlines in northern Syria have led to civilian and military casualties.
According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 23 people—including 4 civilians and 19 militia members—have been killed, while 31 others—26 civilians and 5 militia members—have been injured in clashes and attacks in areas under Turkish control. These include the "Euphrates Shield" zone (Azaz-al-Bab-Jarablus), the "Olive Branch" area (Afrin and its surroundings), and the "Peace Spring" region (Tel Abyad/Girê Spî-Serêkaniyê/Resulayn).
SOHR provided the following details about events between November 17 and 24:
Nov 24:
- SDF militants carried out an infiltration operation targeting the "Liberation and Construction Movement" (Ahrar al-Sharqiya), an SNA-affiliated group, on the al-Daghlebash front near al-Bab’s outskirts. Fifteen SNA members were killed in the clashes.
(The map shows areas in red under Syrian Army control, yellow under SDF control, and green under TSK-SNA control. Source: Liveuamap) - Artillery fire by the Sultan Suleiman Shah Division targeted civilian settlements in Tel Rifaat, injuring ten civilians.
- TSK and SNA artillery attacks on the village of Halise, north of Aleppo, resulted in the death of one civilian displaced from Afrin, and three children were injured, one critically.
- Rocket attacks from areas under the control of Syrian forces and Kurdish factions struck al-Bab, killing two civilians and wounding twelve.
- TSK shelling in the Kuberlik village near Tel Abyad resulted in the death of a child.
The red square indicates the area where YPG militatns allegedly infiltrated.
Nov 23:
- Fierce clashes broke out near Abduki village west of Tel Abyad between SNA-affiliated groups and the SDF. Two SDF militants were killed, and others were injured following TSK artillery fire. Additional SDF casualties occurred in TSK attacks on Karanfil, Kuberlik, and Haymar villages, where three militants were wounded.
- Heavy fighting erupted in the villages of Kafr Hashir and Kafr Kalbin, north of Aleppo, between the “Sham Front” and the SDF-supported “Afrin Liberation Forces.” Two Sham Front militants were killed, and two others injured. SNA groups sent military reinforcements to the conflict zones.
Nov 19:
- The SDF launched mortar and rocket attacks targeting TSK and SNA positions near Abdi village west of Tel Abyad.
Nov 18:
- The SDF fired rockets at TSK-controlled Tel Abyad.
Nov 17:
- Artillery fire by TSK and SNA-affiliated groups on the village of Akiba in Afrin's outskirts wounded a 42-year-old civilian. (VC/VK)