Tender for hunting mountain goats in Dersim cancelled

* Photo: DEDEF
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The 15th Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has suspended the tender that it lodged for hunting 17 mountain goats in Turkey's eastern Dersim province. Considered sacred by the people of Dersim, the goats' possible hunting previously sparked an outrage.
Releasing a statement about the tender scheduled for July 13, the Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks has announced that the tender lodged for hunting the goats has been cancelled.
As reported by Gazete Duvar news website, the statement has noted that "the hunting of some old male members of scientifically inventoried mountain goat population is allowed in Turkey as part of hunting activities."
Referring to the tender, the statement has announced that it has been cancelled as "an onsite examination will be made in the region in terms social considerations, beliefs, illegal poaching, the population of mountain goats and security and a report will be prepared based on this examination."
"An action will be taken in the light of this report," the directorate has further stated in its announcement.
What happened?
The 15th Regional Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry lodged a tender for hunting mountain goats in Dersim. The goats, also known as "Xızır'ın Davarları" (Goats of Khidr), are considered sacred in the province.
According to the tender, five mountain goats will be hunted in Aliboğazı and Salördek areas, five goats in Darıkent and Gökçek areas, five goats in Büyükyurt and Çıralı areas and two goats in Derindere and Kocatepe areas. Planning to pave the way for hunting of 17 mountain goats in total, the tender was scheduled for July 13, 2020.
The decision sparked an outrage among nature and life defenders and a petition was launched on change.org against the tender.
Referring to the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, the Dersim Initiative for Protecting Cultural and Natural Heritage underlined that rupicapra rupicapra (mountain goat) and rupicapra rupicapra ornata are listed as "Strictly Protected Fauna Species."
A lawsuit was also filed at the Malatya Administrative Court, requesting a stay of execution and cancellation of the tender. (RT/SD)