Taksim Gezi Park Resistance Spreads Across Turkey

The resistance that Taksim Gezi Park protestors initiated spread across Turkey. Scores of people have gone out to the streets and support the Taksim Gezi Park protestors.
Police attacks and dententions have been reported from major cities including Ankara, İzmir, Eskişehir, İzmit and Bursa.
"Attacks resume in Eskişehir, injuries reported"
According to the sources from Radikal, sendika.org, kolektifler.net and bianet readers on-field reports, police fired tear gas and water cannons at protestors in Ankara, İzmir and Eskişehir, detaining several demonstrators.
Police violence left several people injured in Ankara. According to sendika.org, gas bomb shells caused one demonstrator to lose sight in one eye and brain hemorrhage in another. It cited the number of detentions as 45. Despite 2 am local time, the number of people who join the protests are on the rise. Police violence is also on full swing.
Police attacked a group who were marching towards Cumhuriyet Avenue past midnight in Izmir. Several people have also taken the streets in Izmit and Bursa.
A protestor told bianet that police violence resumed towards protesting groups in Eskişehir and caused several injuries. Around 03:50 local time, 5,000 people reportedly assembled in downtown Eskişehir.
Protests spread across several cities
In Zonguldak, police detained a group of protestors from Öğrenci Kolektifi as they flashed a banner that said “Gezi Park is resisting, hail to Taksim” during commencement ceremonies.
In Adana, police attacked on a group from Socialist Re-Foundation Party who were marching towards AKP headquarters. 13 individuals including a sendika.org reporters have been assaulted and detained.
Other cities that protests were reported included Hopa, Bolu, Hatay, Konya and İzmit. (BK/BM)