‘Take Legislative Steps to Prevent New Waves of Outbreak’

* Photo: Mehmet Ali Özcan - Ankara / AA
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Physicians, dentists, engineers, architects, urban planners and public accountants released a joint statement today (June 1), calling on the Parliament to enact legislation that will prevent new waves of outbreak.
The statement has been signed by four professional organizations: Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), Turkish Medical Association (TTB), Union of Chamber of Certified Public Accountants of Turkey (TÜRMOB) and Turkish Dental Association (TDB).
Noting that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has not yet been taken under control in either Turkey or the world, the organizations have underlined that all scientific circles refer to a major threat to be posed by new outbreak attacks if necessary measures are not taken.
'Risk still continues'
The organizations have briefly stated the following:
"We have been going through a period when we suffer deep social and economic catastrophes due to COVID-19 outbreak and we have lost over 4,000 citizens of ours as a result of it. All scientific circles have been indicating that the outbreak has not yet been fully taken under control in either Turkey or around the world and that the risks of new outbreak attacks pose a major threat if necessary measures are not taken.
"We call on the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to evaluate the current situation in our country amid COVID-19 outbreak based on open and transparent information and to urgently enact legislature that will ensure that the steps to be taken in healthcare services, social life and work life amid COVID-19 pandemic will be based on scientific data and will ensure the prevention of new attacks of the outbreak."
Emphasis on 'economic crisis'
Referring to the effects of the economic program in effect in Turkey and "the economic crisis which has taken a dramatic turn due to the COVID-19 pandemic," the organizations have also called on the Parliament to put the necessary measures and laws on its agenda as a priority so that these detrimental effects on the society in general and the members of the professional organizations in particular can be eliminated.
"We invite the Parliament to discuss the measures that will be taken to solve the problems of not-abated tax burden, almost 300 thousand closed businesses, millions of recently unemployed people and millions of other young people who have lost hope for a job," the statement has read.
"While the real and burning issues of the country are awaiting a solution, we invite you to not let a shadow be cast upon our democracy and the respectability of our Parliament for the sake of narrow political interests," the organizations have concluded. (AS/SD)