Suspicious death of Duygu Delen: ‘Her autopsy report must be shared with the public’

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Prof. Halis Tokgöz, a Forensic Medical Expert from the Mersin University, has spoken about Duygu Delen (17), who suspiciously lost her life after falling off Mehmet K.'s house on the 4th floor in Antep province.
Prof. Tokgöz has indicated that the images, video footage and statements about the incident are obvious, adding that the autopsy report must be shared with the public as soon as possible.
'Autopsy findings are very valuable'
Tokgöz is one of the specialists who prepared the expert report on the "suspicious" death of Şule Çet, who also fell off a high-rise building in Ankara. That report helped to solve the murder of Şule Çet.
As reported by the daily Milliyet, Prof. Tokgöz has noted that the autopsy findings are very valuable for them:
"Did Duygu Delen commit suicide? Was it an accident? Or murder? It is very difficult to decide based on the images and videos on social media, the statements of the defendant and the existing data.
"In evaluating such facts, the crime scene investigation documents, all findings, videos and images from the scene of the incident, the fall of Duygu and her states while falling must be examined second by second.
"Especially the autopsy findings are really very valuable, very precious for us. The findings obtained about the person such as possible fractures and wounds in her skull and arms and findings suggesting previous trauma need to be evaluated by considering the position of her body while falling.
"Similarly, as something that can be detected in the autopsy... Are there any findings suggesting sexual abuse? These definitely need to be put forward.
"Are there findings suggesting soporific or drug use in the toxicology examination? Is there alcohol use? Was she conscious? Both the clinical and laboratory findings obtained in the autopsy to make these differentiations are very valuable for us. Based on all these findings, it can be differentiated whether it was a suicide, murder or accident.
"When you do this, the confusion in people's minds can be eliminated as well. Because there is a mechanism of rumours going on. There are suspicions as to whether it was suicide or murder and whether there is an attempt to cover up sometheing. The only way to prevent all this is to present the real evidence, to ensure that they are examined and evaluated by experts so that the truth can be revealed."
Her friend was threatened as well
Göksel Öztürkmen, an attorney for Duygu Delen, has announced that they cannot access the report issued by the Forensic Medicine Institution as a restriction order has been imposed on the file.
A social media account opened by Delen's friends to share the developments about her death has raised concerns that her autopsy report has not yet been submitted. The hashtag #otopsiyiteslimet (Submit the autopsy) has become a trending topic on Twitter shortly afterwards.
On the other side, one of her friends demanding justice for Duygu Delen was threatened by an anonymous person or persons. In the threatening message, it was said, "Look, if you keep posting messages about Duygu or Mehmet, it will be very bad for you. Your end will be just like Duygu's. Mehmet is not guilty. Everything will come to light. Don't get me sick."
What happened?
Duygu Delen suspiciously lost her life by falling off the house of a man named Mehmet K. in Antep on August 13, 2020. She was 17 years old.
Her friends said that Delen did not commit suicide and that Mehmet K. was responsible for her death. Mehmet K. was detained. He said that "they had a row and Duygu Delen jumped off the window herself."
Mehmet K. was arrested on charges of "sexual abuse of the child" and "wilful murder" on August 14. It was also understood that he drove while he was drunk and caused the death of a woman before.
The investigation is still ongoing. (EMK/SD)