Suspect Released Under Judicial Control

The only suspect on the killing of Gezi Park protestor Ali Ismail Korkmaz has been released last night under judicial control. Detected and detained through surveillance camera footage albeit not mentioned in the case file, suspect was ordered international travel ban and mandatory police station visit twice a week.
There is little possibility that suspect is the doer of the killing. We regard the court’s decision as normal,” Önder Öztürk, Korkmaz’s advocate, told bianet.
He continued that they were rather suspecting of police involvement in the killing. “No investigation has been made on probable suspects,” he said.
“The suspect confirmed in his testimony that he was there when the incident occurred. He said he was walking to his car as some protestors argued with him. He also admitted using a baton to counter-attack protestors.”
Suspect pleaded not guilty
"The suspect is said to have assaulted other people. However, there is no strong suspicion of assault on Korkmaz. His release has got to do with this, I think. People are thinking of police involvement in this incident. The social reflex is significant in the capture of suspects. If this suspect was arrested, reflexes could have altered.”
“I hope the investigation will speed up in the days to come and new suspects will be captured. There is more than one culprit in this case and no progress has been made. I hope social reflexes will contribute to the capture of suspects." (BK/BM)
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