Suspect of Necip Hablemitoğlu Assassination Captured in Ukraine

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It has been announced that one of the murder suspects of Assoc. Prof. Necip Hablemitoğlu from Ankara University has been captured in Ukraine.
Having prepared reports on German Foundations case and Fethullah Gülen, academic and writer Hablemitoğlu was assassinated in an armed attack in front of his house in Ankara on December 18, 2002.
He was allegedly discharged from Armed Forces
Suspect N.G.B was allegedly a Lieutenant at the Special Forces Command and discharged from the Turkish Armed Forces.
N.G.B was captured in Ukraine on July 10 and is held in house arrest. The lawsuits filed for the extradition of the suspect to Turkey still continues.
His wife: We will make a statement
Shortly after these news were reported in the press, his wife Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu has made the following statement on Twitter:
"Let this brief statement be a briefing. I also have a grasp of this information on the investigation file reported as breaking news via our attorney. But, there is nothing clear yet, let's just call it a strong suspicion. We will make a statement in the afternoon. With love and respect..."
Bu kısa açıklama bir ön bilgilendirme olsun. Soruşturma dosyasına dair avukatımız aracılığı ile ben de son dakika olarak geçen bu bilgiye vakıfım. Ancak henüz net bir şey yok, sadece güçlü şüpheli diyelim. Öğleden sonra bir açıklamamız olacak. Sevgi ve saygılarımla...
— şengül hablemitoğlu (@s_hablemitoglu) December 16, 2019
About Necip HablemitoğluAcademic, researcher and writer. He graduated from the Vocational School of Media, Faculty of Political Sciences at Ankara University (AÜ) in 1977. After working as a press advisor to several institutions, he did his Master's and PhD at the AÜ Institute of Turkish Revolution History. He taught lessons on Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's principles and history on revolution at the same institute for 20 years. He worked on the recent history of Turkic communities outside Turkey. He consulted the Turkic community of Gagauz in their adoption of Latin alphabet in Moscow as part of a UNDP project. He published several articles on Turkish communities living outside Turkey, especially the people of Kirim. He also did research into the illegal organizations operating in Turkey and abroad as well as German foundations and the law on foundations as part of the law of harmonization code of the European Union. Assoc. Prof. Necip Hablemitoğlu was killed in an armed attack in front of his house in the capital city of Ankara on December 18, 2002. * Source: (English translation by bianet) |