Survey: Over 62 percent think Erdoğan manages the economy badly

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Kemal Özkiraz, the Chair of Avrasya Research Company, has shared the results of their latest survey on social media.
According to the survey, which was conducted in person with 2,460 people in 26 cities, 62.1 percent of the respondents think that President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is managing the economy badly. While 21.1 percent have opted for "He is not managing well", 16.8 percent have found his management "neither good nor bad."
The respondents were also asked, "Will the economy recover if the government changes?" 48.1 percent have said, "It will recover."
While 32.1 percent of the respondents have said, "The economy will be worse", 16.3 percent are of the opinion that "there will be no change in the economy" and 3.5 percent have said, "I don't know."
The respondents were also asked, "Who do you think will manage the economy better than Erdoğan?" 59.1 percent have said that main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will do so while 57.3 percent have opted for İYİ Party Chair Meral Akşener.
The highest rate here (63.4 percent) is that of Ali Babacan, the Chair of the DEVA Party who served as the State Minister for Economy in the 58th and 59th AKP governments. Future Party Chair Ahmet Davutoğlu, also a former AKP politician, has received 55.8 percent, a rate higher than Erdoğan.
In response to the question "Do you think snap elections should be held", 62 percent of the respondents have said, "Yes" while 29.6 percent have said, "No" and 8.4 percent are undecided. (RT/SD)