Survey: 70 percent of parents want in-class education to start

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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The Ipsos research company has shared the results of its survey regarding the start of in-class education in Turkey on September 6.
Conducted with the participation of 800 parents across Turkey, the survey results have shown that 57 percent of the families think that resuming in-class education as of September 6 is a right decision while 32 percent of the participants have not approved this move.
Only 15 percent of the parents who participated in the survey have said that they do not want to send their children to school.
11 percent of the participants have indicated that they have not yet made a decision about in-class education.
While the majority of parents approve the decision to resume in-class education in Turkey starting from September 6, they think that in-class education will not begin as planned due to the number of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, which has been increasing since July.
When participants were asked, "In the event that the schools are opened on September 6, would you like to send your children to school," 78 percent said "Yes" in early July. When this question was asked at the end of July, the number of parents who said "Yes" dropped to 71 percent.
Views on vaccination
71 percent of the parents are of the opinion that vaccination should be obligatory for teachers in order for the schools to open. 70 percent of the participants have said that vaccination should not be compulsory.
When they were asked "whether vaccination should be compulsory for the families who send their children to school," 60 percent answered in the affirmative while 30 percent said that it should not be.
As for the vaccination of their children, 45 percent of the parents whose children are at the ages of 13-18 have said that they would like their children to be vaccinated. This rate has dropped to 20 percent for the parents whose children are aged 7-12. (RT/SD)