Survey: 60 Percent Say Violence Biggest Problem for Women in Turkey

Photo: Kadir Has University (Aslı Çarkoğlu and Mary Lou O'Neil)
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The Gender and Women's Studies Research Center at Kadir Has University has announced the results of its annual survey titled, "Public Perceptions of Gender Roles and the Status of Women in Turkey."
The survey was conducted within January and February, in 23 provinces. 1,205 men and women above the age of 18 participated in the survey.
According to the report, biggest problem that women experience in the society is "violence".
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Prof. Dr. Mary Lou O'Neil, chair of the Research Center, and Assoc. Prof. Aslı Çarkoğlu, head of the Department of Psychology, announced the findings of the report in a press conference. They said the results show that the equality of women and men is on the rise.
"Violence is enough for a divorce"
According to the survey, 60 percent of the participants view violence as "the biggest problem that women face in society." This figure was 62 percent last year, 55 percent in 2017 and 53 percent in 2013.
On the relation between violence and divorce, the survey notes that the percentage of those who say, "Domestic violence is a reason enough to get divorced," has increased in the past three years. 72 percent of the participants agree with this statement.
"Women have a more egalitarian perception"
Here are some highlights from the survey:
- Women have a more egalitarian perception than men.
- Young people (18-24 years) have a more egalitarian perception compared to older people (25 years and over).
- Working women have a more egalitarian perception than nonworking women. Non-certificate-holders have more traditional discriminatory perceptions than the educated people.
- The regular contribution of paternal care is generally low. There is increase in contributions like spending time outside with kids, playing, taking care of kids' school problems, helping with their studies and regular care.
- Even though regular care does not exceed 48%, 20 percent of the men reported that they don't play with their children at all.
- Among the participants, 83 percent of the women and 78 percent of the men agree with this statement: "Women politicians should prioritize gender based policies."
Click for the full text of the survey