Supreme Election Council Rejects HDP’s Request for Recounting of Votes in Muş

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The Supreme Election Council (YSK) has rejected the People's Democratic Party's (HDP) request for recounting of votes in Muş.
Making a statement on social media, Sırrı Sakık, the candidate of HDP for Co-Mayorship of Muş, has said, "The YSK has hastily rejected the request without making any evaluations. [...] There is one thing left to do: To condemn them in conscience. This people will not forgive you."
CLICK - 'If Our Objection in Muş is Not Accepted, We Will Appeal to Constitutional Court, ECtHR'
After the objections of HDP against unofficial local election results in Muş were rejected, HDP-Co Chair Pervin Buldan made a statement in Muş and said, "If our objections in Muş are not accepted, we will appeal to Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)."
Margin of votes in Malazgirt: 3
According to the unofficial local election results in Muş center, while the People's Alliance received 15 thousand 919 votes, HDP received 15 thousand 381 votes. Accordingly, the margin of votes in central Muş is 538.
As for the district of Malazgirt in Muş, the ruling AKP has received only three votes more than the HDP.
In 103 ballot boxes across the province, a total of 2 thousand 500 votes have been declared invalid. Stating that the majority of votes deemed invalid in Muş were cast for the HDP, the party raised objections at the Central District Election Council and Provincial Election Council.
After its objections were rejected, the HDP appealed to the YSK.
Releasing a statement last evening (April 7), the HDP stated, "The YSK has not corrected the unlawful and unequal decisions taken in favor of the AKP and MHP [Nationalist Movement Party].
"It has shut its eyes to the unlawfulness as the upper council. It has rejected the objection that we raised for Muş."
'Not a single objection of HDP accepted'
Making another statement yesterday, Sırrı Sakık said, "Not a single objection raised by the HDP has been accepted. Considering that it has returned all objections of the HDP, the state must have shown its justice, which it cannot show to the AKP, MHP, CHP [Republican People's Party] and İP [İYİ Party], to HDP. Even this picture shows how ugly, how shady this election is."
CLICK - HDP MP Paylan: Not a Single Objection by HDP is Accepted Throughout Turkey
Speaking to bianet, HDP Diyarbakır MP Garo Paylan also said,
"The matter for us is that there is a double standard. If we were ahead of AKP by 538 votes in Muş, and by 3 votes in Malazgirt and if AKP objected to these results, would the objections be accepted or not? I am sure that they would be accepted within a couple of hours.
"I think there wouldn't be a problem if a single standard was applied in Turkey. If objections were rejected everywhere because of similar reasons, we would say, 'So, this is the standard.'
"But the standard in the places where AKP won and lost are very different." (AS/SD)