Support to Aslı Erdoğan from Germany
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The writers from Germany including Günter Wallaraf, and European culture institutions have demanded that arrested novelist and Özgür Gündem columnist Aslı Erdoğan be released.
According to the report of Deutsche Welle, Cologne-based Cultural Forum and journalist-writer Günter Wallraff from Germany, many European culture institutions and writers demanded release of Erdoğan in the open letter they wrote.
Following phrases were included in the letter:
“We want Aslı Erdoğan back. We want her back in the conditions in which she could walk as a free person in Graz, Vienna, Genevre, Zurich, everywhere in Germany and all around the world. We want to read what she writes and know what she says”.
The letter stated that they are in solidarity with the “Writing Watch”, which has been started for Erdoğan.
Erdoğan has been transferred to ward
On the other hand, Republican People’s Party (CHP) MP and Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) Human Rights Commission member Mahmut Tanal announced that Erdoğan has been transferred to ward from the one-person cell where was being kept as of August 19.
Erdoğan was detained in the raid launched on her home on August 16 when police raided Özgür Gündem daily. Erdoğan was Publishing Consultant Board member and columnist at the daily.
Erdoğan was arrested on August 19. (EA/TK)