Support Rises for #freedemirtas Campaign

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A campaign has been launched on social media for Selahattin Demirtaş, the imprisoned former Co-Chair of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).
Launched under the hashtag #freedemirtas, the campaign is supported by thousands of people including politicians, rights defenders and citizens.
Organized by the "Freedom to Demirtaş Initiative", the campaign started at 6 p.m. in Turkey local time on August 6.
The initiative has asked everyone who wants to join the campaign to post a message of support under the hashtag #freedemirtas.
Arrested on November 4, 2016, Selahattin Demirtaş has been behind bars in Edirne Type F Closed Prison since then.
Writer Wallraff from Germany also expressed support
Among the ones who have expressed support for Demirtaş on social media is also writer and researcher Günter Wallraff from Germany.
Sharing a photo on his social media account, holding a placard with #freedemirtas written on it, Wallraff has written in Turkish, "Günter Wallraff supports the #freedemirtas campaign."
Another social media post that has attracted a great deal of attention is the one posted with the picture of Selahattin Demirtaş's mother Sadiye Demirtaş.
Some of the messages posted under the hashtag are as follows:
— Barış Yarkadaş (@barisyarkadas) August 6, 2019
Başka söze gerek yok...
Journalist and main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) former MP Barış Yarkadaş: "#freeDemirtas Needless to say anything further"
#freeDemirtas Sen umutlar ülkesinde parıldayan bir güneşsin @hdpdemirtas
— Allah (c.c.) (@CenabiAllah) August 6, 2019
"#freeDemirtas You are a sun shining in the country of hopes"
Canım arkadaşıma özgürlük #freedemirtas
— Eren Keskin (@KeskinEren1) August 6, 2019
Human Rights Association (İHD) Co-Chair lawyer Eren Keskin: "Freedom to my dear friend #freedemirtas"
Cem Özdemir...
— White Rose (@RoseBerlin1978) August 7, 2019
Alman Yeşiller Federal Parlamento milletvekili ve önceki dönem Eşbaşkani...#FreeDemirtaş
"Cem Özdemir... German Greens Federal Parliamentary MP and former Chair... #FreeDemirtas"
— Başak Demirtaş (@Basak__Demirtas) August 6, 2019
Başak Demirtaş, the wife of Selahattin Demirtaş: "#freeDemirtas"
— Nazım ALPMAN (@NazimALPMAN) August 8, 2019
Yeni yazım @BirGun_Gazetesi de...
Daily BirGün columnist Nazım Alpman: "#freeDemirtas My new article is on daily BirGün..."
Bu güzel adamın özgürlüğünü istiyoruz!#freeDemirtas
— Nurcan Baysal (@baysal_nurcan) August 6, 2019
Journalist Nurcan Baysal: "We want the freedom of this beautiful man! #freeDemirtas"