Support Letter From Aslı Erdoğan, Necmiye Alpay to Cumhuriyet daily

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Aslı Erdoğan and Necmiye Alpay both arrested as a part of the investigation into Özgür Gündem daily, have sent Cumhuriyet daily a letter of support from Silivri Prison.
Aslı Erdoğan and Necmiye Alpay were also among others sending messages of support and solidarity with members and executives from Cumhuriyet daily and Cumhuriyet Foundation taken into custody in the operations on Cumhuriyet daily on October 31.
Erdoğan and Alpay each sent a letter of support to Cumhuriyet daily.
Aslı Erdoğan: "Turkey is heading towards its own destruction"
Yesterday, we heard about the arrests in Diyarbakır on the late-night news and started the day with the raid on Cumhuriyet! I watched Aydın Engin being taken by police. Feeling deeply ashamed at first... Turhan Günay was also in custody! Neither May 12 [1971 Turkish Mİlitary Memorandum] nor September 12 [1980 Turkish Military Coup] had so carelessly trampled upon the law, held such a grudge against journalists and writers! They disregard anything and anybody completely for the sake of being able to say "We a police state!". All those values gained through centries of sacrifice and blood shed: Democracy, human rights, freedom of thought and expression and above all the right to life!
Turkey is "running amok" and is heading towards its own distruction at full speed... Greetings to all writers and employees of Cumhuriyet, we stand by you.
With love,
Aslı Erdoğan
Necmiye Alpay: "A move beyond the expected"
Dear all on watch,
Hope our colleagues at Cumhuriyet get over it soon. it was a move beyond the "expected" in deed. Aydın Engin had a surgery not long ago...etc. Yet to be honest, the articles and the overall situation of the newspaper is an honor of recent times, all hail them....
And of course, you too, as always. We heard that Kışanak and Fırat Anlı were taken to Kandıra [Prison. All hail them too, with love,
Necmiye Alpay