Suggestions for Education Rights of Refugee Children

İstanbul Bilgi University Child Studies Unit (ÇOÇA) has released its study titled "Condition of Syrian Refugee Children in Turkey's Public Schools/Policy and Implementation Suggestions" over Syrian students continuing their education in various public schools in İstanbul.
Regarding MEB and government policies
- Properly planning the policies as to the rights of Syrian children and gathering and sharing the data regularly and promptly with the public regarding their conditions in Turkey's education system
- The relevant regulation to be put into effect in order to actualize policy and implementation suggestions
- Allowing Syrian students registered for public schools of receiving education in their own language to overcome the language barrier which is the biggest obstacle before having this education
- Until they are given this opportunity, providing Turkish reading and writing courses and constant translation service in order to enable them to enjoy their educational rights within the current system.
- Informing relevant staff of Provincial and District Directorate for National Education regarding the registration process; stepping in when it's found necessary by constantly monitoring it
- Informing teacher and administrators in the inservice training period and during the academic year as to the condition of Syrian families, and services and relevant institutions they can make use of in Turkey
Right-based approach
- Fortifying it regarding child rights in order to have teachers and administrators adopt right-based approach rather than help-based approach towards Syrian students.
Regarding national education directorates
- Enabling all Syrian children and their companions in the districts to access information regarding education services
District Commission in District National Education Directorates taking more responsibility in monitoring educational process of students registered in schools, solving any issues faced during registration process and spreading the solutions
Need for translator
- Assignation of translators regularly tasked in schools or district
Informing teachers as to the social aids to which they may direct Syrian families and NGOs working in this field
Increasing the teachers' ability to struggle with discriminatory and bully behaviors among students
Support RAM
- Increasing the teachers' ability to struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder by District Guidance and Research Center (RAM)
- Considering the fact that the teachers working with children who went through war trauma go through "secondary trauma," providing them with psycho-social support
Regarding schools
- Requesting translators to overcome the language barrier at schools and monitoring the process
Language course
- Making the Syrian family members easy to learn Turkish; opening courses at schools in cooperation with public education centers
Planning projects and activities at schools making Syrian and Turkish students socialize easier
Against discrimination
- Strengthening Turkey's students and their parents in order to prevent Syrian students registered for schools from being subjected to discrimination
- Having psychological counselors at schools create with translator support constructive and therapeutical environments in which Syrian students can share (YY/TK)
Click here to read the article in Turkish