Students of Closed Universities to be Placed Based on Their Scores

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The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) has made a new statement about students of universities which have been shut by statutory decree. The students will be placed based on their scores which they had the year they got into university.
On July 29, the YÖK announced the universities which the students would be placed in. But the decision was criticized for placing the students in more advance or less advance universities than closed universities.
According to YÖK’s new arrangement, the students of closed foundations universities will be placed based on their scores which they got the year they got into university.
The statement reads as follows:
“As a result of evaluations which have been carried out by Council of Higher Education regarding students who was in Foundation Higher Education institutions which have been closed within the scope of State of Emergency Public Services Commission (KHK) / 667: “Has been decided the students of closed Higher Education institutions will be placed based on their scores which they had the year they got into university.” (BK/UA)