Students at Armenian Schools to Enter Religion Exam

Exam questions have been prepared by Armenian community and teachers attendant at these schools.
Until this year, Armenian students didn't answer the answers of religion course and this was causing the students to lose point.
Last year, students at minority schools were made to look as they didn't attend the exam and lost points again.
Administrators of minority schools were taking action by filing application to Ministry of National Education for relief. There are 218 students studying at 13 Armenian schools in total in İstanbul.
Unjust treatment continues at Rum schools
It was approved by the ministry last year that students studying at the only Jewish school in Turkey to be asked questions of Judaism at TEOG exam.
On the other hand unjust treatment towards Rum students at Rum schools continue, these students will be exempt from this exam as in the past years. (YY/TK)
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