Students Act Against Global Warming, What About Parents?
The students of 5-C at the elementary school of Beyazıt Ford-Otosan have established the “Parlak Fikirli İklim Kurtarıcıları” group (Climate Savers with Bright Ideas). Their slogan is “Le us join hands and say farewell to the arid world.”
With visual presentations explaining the consequences of the global warming, the students are calling their friends in the school and the people around them to work towards helping the world in global warming.
The periodical "Climate
The students started a periodical named “Climate Change”, which explains the measures that need to be taken against global warming.
The periodical will be sold for 5 YTL and the money from the sales will go to the provincial directorate of environment to plant more trees on their behalf.
Saying that the society is not sensitive enough about global warming, the students want that these kinds of activities increase in number and are supported.
“The children are aware of everything”
Their teacher Nergis Gercik commented that the children knew what the world was going to face in the future: “They are aware of everything.” (FY/TK)